The Taney County Partnership board of directors commissioned a comprehensive Housing Study in 2018 conducted by RDg Planning & Design. The Partnership released the findings of the study at Branson City Hall on Thursday, March 14, presented by Amy Haase of RDg.
The Taney County Housing Study presents an in-depth study of the housing market and existing housing conditions. The communities within Taney County are similar in demographics, but display unique personalities and housing challenges, both from each other and other counties in the region. Yet, these challenges can best be met on a cooperative basis, pooling the resources and capabilities of the region into a unified housing program.
To access the study in its entirety, please click the image or link below.
Taney County Housing Study (PDF)
Taney County Housing Study Presentation (PDF)

Traditional economic development policies place emphasis on job attraction and retention. Today, communities are looking to quality of life and housing as leading economic development policies. To be successful, the area must provide a variety of housing types.
There are several factors that contribute to population growth. More and more communities are realizing that quality housing is essential to economic diversity. Communities can attract and retain workers to fill these
jobs through attractive housing options and community amenities. These workers look to raise their children, invest in the community, and establish themselves as life-long residents when these options are available.
Indeed, housing development is economic development. Without available, affordable, quality housing, the region and individual communities will not be able to accommodate the people they need to move forward.
A housing study is designed to explore, evaluate, and identify strategies to address housing issues throughout a given area. The housing market impacts the quality of life for residents of the region, for people interested in moving to the area, and for businesses seeking to recruit (and retain) employees.
To understand the state of housing supply and demand in Taney County, this study combines an extensive public input process and analysis of the demographic and market trends with a housing condition inventory. Building on this work, the study provides recommendations and strategic
policy directions to leverage existing assets and overcome challenges in Taney County.
Questions about the study and Taney County Partnership can be directed to Jonas Arjes, Executive Director.
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